Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Gifts


on the off chance that they check this blog and since I'm not going to wait to publish this until after Christmas you've had your fair warning. : )

First up I have the "neighbor" gifts I did this year. I had lots of good ideas but as my list was pretty long I needed to keep cost in mind. I have done this before but not for Christmas and not here in Vegas. I have a great recipe for a dill dip mix so I made some up, packaged it and attached it to a wooden spoon with the directions needed to make it. 

Second, we were finally able to participate in our family gift exchange this year. We had talked about having the kids draw each others names (all the cousins) and then having them make their gift for them. BUT we decided to do this a little late in the month so we drew a family instead. We had the option to make gifts for the kids in that family or do a "family" gift. I opted for the family gift. I saw this idea here on My Grafico Crafts blog for a movie night in a bottle. For some reason I had it in my head that the movie fit in the bottle too, but it doesn't. I filled mine with popcorn, M&M's, other smaller candies and in one went three little pandas to go with the Kung Fu Panda 2 movie that was going along with it. In the other I put three little penguin craft projects to go along with the Mr. Poppers penguins movie. 
They have the instructions on the site for assembly. I hope they like them!

And third is something that I really loved putting together. This year I got both my mom and MIL gift cert. to Hobby Lobby because when they come to visit it is a must do to go to Hobby Lobby. But I couldn't just mail the gift card so I found this great idea on Inking Idaho (she is amazing by the way)
It is a small box with a transparency slide. It hold 3x3 cards and 3 Hershey Nuggets. 

 Can you see my gift card sticking out?
 I made four different cards to go in the box. I probably could have fit at least one more but it was late and I could hardly see straight. Plus the flower card took up too much room for another card
 Love the wrapped nuggets!
 I'm so excited with how they turned out. I hope they'll love them and that they'll look inside to find the gift card. 

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

PhotobucketI'm linked up at:


  1. Great job, Tiff! Love the gift for the moms.

  2. GREAT idea including a gift card! Beautiful job and thanks for the shout out! :)

  3. Amazing gifts!!! Where did you find your labels? Or is it part of a digi-scrap kit???


  4. Fabulously creative gifts - I especially love the gift for your Mama!

  5. love love love the spoon idea. i've been struggling with neighbor gifts this year. hope you don't mind if i copy.
